People do what they're rewarded for.
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We employ the latest research on successful onboarding to create fun and productive introductions for new hires. Whether new to working or new to your organization, swap the glassy-eyed info-blitz for smiley, exciting mini-contests that introduce the best about joining your people in the work that you do.
Roll Outs
Whether you're switching software, introducing new programs, or improving processes, adding a contest can help engage your workforce. Following the equation:
helps perfuse the message and alleviate complaints. This leads to:
Objections → ↑ Speed to Success
Cohort Building
Digital dialog is the communication de riguer for today's up and comers. Construct cohorts to harvest their penchant for online informal learning. Then add contests to foster new thinking about how to succeed as professionals and get the job done right.
Problem Solving
Sometimes solutions to the hardest problems are right under your nose. Prompt fresh ideas and generate solutions from across your workforce with a simple contest and a tasty reward.
Engage → Inspire → Challenge → Recognize & Reward
It works! And it's cheaper than consultants!
Applying New Knowledge
The missing link for so many training initiatives is insufficient practice of new learning. Overcome that with a contest to solve actual problems facing your organization or clients. Dangling a small "carrot" can motivate groups or cohorts to grab on to what they've just been taught and hammer out an original way to lower costs, increase productivity, or meet customer needs.
Process Improvement
Stuck in a rut? Stymied in your revenue generation? Unfetter your ways by launching a contest to design a better "process" mousetrap. Surprising fixes can result and previously unrecognized future leaders may emerge.
Success Planning and Practice
It's not enough to figure out who'll replace someone who leaves. They need to know how to do that job. Reduce ramp-up time in new positions by inspiring coaching and mentoring to desired outcomes with a contest. Make sure that people can practice what has been preached!
Online Job Resources
A great secret to boosting competency is positioning job aids and other resources online. But how do you get people to use them? Create contests like
Checklist Champion, Job Aid Giant, and
Most Resourceful to see huge increases in accessing digital tools.
Workforce Development
Add spark to training programs and spice to individual career growth by offering a fun and easy contest. Keeping competitive might be deadly serious but learning and professional development don't have to be. Prime your investment for success by encouraging positive attitudes and the expectation of increased value for everyone.